UOL - O melhor conteúdo

Jornalismo profissional é antídoto para notícia falsa e intolerância

Documento atualiza compromissos da Folha em uma era de mudança de hábitos dos leitores

Capítulo 5
Editorial Project - Folha de S.Paulo


Redação da Folha (Karime Xavier)

Redação da Folha (Karime Xavier)

Today Folha is publishing its new Editorial Project and together with it, its Editorial Principles. In the first document, the newspaper highlights the relevance of professional journalism in maintaining a clear distinction between news and falsity and argues that newspapers based on pluralistic dialogue counteract the intolerance that plagues social networks, accentuated by the recent growing wave of ultraconservative nationalistic populism.

In the principles, released for the first time today, Folha lists 12 points that synthesize its editorial, political and ethical commitments.

The new version of the Editorial Project recognizes that there is a demand, which has been poorly served, for useful and inspirational information, without compromising the priority given to a critical focus and seeking out exclusive news coverage.

It also suggests that reporting should be more conclusive.

It considers new advertising formats, defined as sponsored content, to be legitimate as long as it is clear that their nature isn't journalistic. Video journalism and reporting that mines databases are listed as fields where a lot of development is needed.

The print edition is taken as the reference version for the latest news cycle, while the digital platform is updated throughout the day.

The newspaper reaffirms its liberal perspective regarding the economy, politics and customs & culture. It reiterates that it strives to practice journalism that is critical, anti-partisan and pluralistic.

It emphasizes the analytical dimension, being interpretative and opinionated in order to shed light on the facts.